Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Sunday – Kidz-JAM
(Jesus and Me)
Children enjoy a Sunday morning worship time that’s made just for kids. Learn about Jesus through Bible experiences. Children begin the worship service with their parents in the Worship Center. They will be invited to participate in a special worship time with the pastor then will be dismissed to go to Kidz JAM, where they will have friendly, nurturing teachers who lead them in age appropriate Bible study, games, crafts, and more.
Wednesday - Treasure Seekers
We are committed to helping children build a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Our children learn to be “Treasurer Seekers” for Jesus. Our kids are taught through child-targeted programs that emphasize both biblical content and fun. We teach them to obey Jesus’ command to be “salt” and “light” to others through their words, actions, and choices.