When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
Worship 10:00 AM
Children's Worship
Nursery Available
Children's Worship
Nursery Available
Wednesday Services
Adults 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Teens 7:00 PM
Children 7:00 PM
Nursery 7:00 PM
Teens 7:00 PM
Children 7:00 PM
Nursery 7:00 PM
Where do I park?
You can park anywhere you like in the parking lot. Our greeters are located just inside the doors under the church steeple. These are helpful people who will answer your questions and guide you into the worship center.
how should i dress?
You will see people in church dressed casually in jeans and others in their “Sunday Best”. We are not concerned about outward style, we are concerned about the heart.
when should i arrive?
The Worship service begins at 10:00 AM. If possible, arrive at least fifteen minutes before service so that we can properly greet you.
what should i bring?
If you have a Bible, bring it with you to church. If you have friends that are in need of a great home church, then bring them too!
will an offering be collected?
Yes, there is an opportunity to give an offering. At the end of Sunday service, there is an usher who will have an offering plate that you can place your offering into if you wish to give.
Is child care available for my young children?
Our Nursery is available each worship service for children age newborn through three-years-old. Nursery staff are available to receive your child fifteen minutes before the service starts. Older children will be dismissed from the service to go to Children’s Worship.