Newborn – 3-Years-Old:
Our nursery is located right down the hall from the worship center.  It is well equipped with modern cribs, toys, and furnishings that are sanitized after each use.  Your child must be checked in at the door each time you visit and you will be given a numbered tag that must be presented for your child to be picked up.

Policies & Procedures

To facilitate a positive experience for our nursery-aged children and our volunteers, please take note of the following policies:
  • Parents must sign each nursery aged child in before each service.   Sign-in information will include the child’s name, the parent's name, the parent's cell phone number, pick-up information and instructions for eating and  sleeping routines. 
  • Please share any specific instructions with your child’s teacher at check-in. Instructions can pertain to food allergies, needs such as a bottle or a nap during the service, potty training, or any other details on caring for you child. Your willingness to do this during the check-in process will allow our volunteers to better serve you and your child.
  • Parents are asked not to enter the nursery rooms when dropping off or picking up their children, but to hand them to a volunteer at the door.  Older children and siblings are not permitted in the nursery room.
  • All children’s belongings must have name identification (diaper bags,  cups, etc.).  Identification tags will be provided for bags without name  identification.
  • Only the parent or adult guardian listed on the information sheet will be permitted to pick up the  child. A child will not be released to siblings, relatives or other adults not  listed on the information sheet
  •  Our volunteers will try to calm upset children for 15 minutes before contacting a parent through text message.

Nursery Available

Sunday - 10:00-11:15 AM

Wednesday - 7:00-8:00 pm