
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

The Bible instructs us to give of our finances cheerfully and sacrificially as part of our worship (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9). We are reminded that Christ’s sacrifice for us is our own motivation to sacrifice joyfully. All that we have is his anyway.
Every dollar given to Old Fields Baptist Church, goes to support ministry to our church members, to our local community, and to our partners around the world. We could not do this without you. Our leadership is overwhelmingly grateful for your financial partnership in the gospel, and we look expectantly to ministering together.


Ways to Give


You can give online safely, easily, and securely.  Click the giving button on this page to connect to our giving portal.    Once you have logged in, you will be able to make a one-time gift, set up recurring gifts, and view giving history.


Giving in person can be done by putting cash or check in the offering plate at the door when you leave or by mailing a check to Old Fields Baptist Church  PO Box 10 Old Fields, WV 26845.  Offering envelopes are available at the welcome table for those wishing to use them.
Note: If the address on your check is not your correct mailing address, please make a note so that we are able to send your statement to you.